E-volunteering for social challenges – what it is and how to become one
July 20, 20222025-01-15 18:31
E-volunteering for social challenges – what it is and how to become one
E-volunteering for social challenges – what it is and how to become one
This course on E-Volunteering for Social Challenges provides an introduction to the concept of online volunteering and its growing impact in addressing social issues. Participants will learn what e-volunteering is, its benefits, and how it can be leveraged to support various causes from anywhere in the world. The course explores the types of e-volunteer opportunities available, the skills required, and platforms where one can find these roles. Additionally, participants will receive guidance on how to become an effective e-volunteer, including tips for maximizing impact and building a meaningful virtual volunteer experience. The final session includes a reflection on the skills gained and an evaluation of how to apply them to real-life social challenges.
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